Tips for Selling Real Estate at a Loss

Tips for Selling Real Estate at a Loss

No one wants to lose money on a house sale, but the hard reality is that it is sometimes unavoidable. This is bound to happen at some point for investors, especially when they are starting out, and it is a real concern for private homeowners as well. The following...
The Biggest Mistakes Made by New Commercial Real Estate Investors

The Biggest Mistakes Made by New Commercial Real Estate Investors

The commercial real estate industry greatly requires investors to exercise due diligence before and even after initiating their investments. Businesses and individual investors in the commercial real estate industry often fall into pitfalls as a result of poor...
Real estate challenges for veterans and their families

Real estate challenges for veterans and their families

Veterans and military personnel aspiring to become homeowners have at their disposal various financial solutions, the primary of which is the veteran affairs mortgage loan. Veterans’ ambitions to become homeowners, however, are faced with significant challenges that...
Top challenges in commercial real estate investing

Top challenges in commercial real estate investing

As I mentioned in another recent blog, the commercial real estate market stands as an exciting opportunity for investors looking to broaden their skills, diversify their portfolios, and cut their teeth in new investing scenarios. All that said, the market can be a...
The Biggest Roadblocks in Real Estate Investment (Pt. 2)

The Biggest Roadblocks in Real Estate Investment (Pt. 2)

Since 2008, there has been an extreme outflow of interest in the real estate market. As market returns continue to exceed expectations, more and more people look at the world of real estate investing. While there is money to be made, first-time investors should avoid...